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Tim Lyons Consulting Coaching

At his core,

Tim is a consultant, advisor and confidante. He is empathetic and adept at helping individuals and teams create clarity around their ideals, and grow in trust. He deeply values authenticity, responsiveness and respect.



His education includes a Masters degree in Educational Leadership (University of Notre Dame) and a Masters in Philosophy (UER, Rome). 




While working for the Table Group, He trained under Patrick Lencioni and continues to partner with many of his best practitioners in the field. He is convinced that Lencioni's Four Disciplines are the most effective and powerful tool for creating healthy teams, strategic decision-making, and leadership development. He is certified in his latest model - the Six Types of Working Genius, a simple and powerful way to increase productivity and bring joy and meaning to work.


Services for Organizations & Leaders, Teams & Individuals

Leadership &
Organizational Health

Tim works with CEOs and leaders to make their organizations healthier and effective.


He taps into the work of the The Table Group and Patrick Lencioni to provide practical, relevant and wholistic solutions that impact and integrate culture, operations and financial performance. 


He does 1-on-1 work with leaders of all types of organizations, focusing on understanding strengths and weaknesses and improving effectiveness and self-management and care.

Team Facilitation

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He facilitates team leaders and their teams to build cohesiveness and alignment.


He focuses on practical, relevant and fast approaches to eliminating politics and confusion.


He avoids touchy-feely, slow and silly activities to make the best use of your time.

Personal Coaching

He provides coaching to help people discern personal life and career oriented choices.


He helps them clarify their values, see their priorities and next steps, reframe their attitudes towards challenges. He seeks to help them make concrete good choices and measurable progress, according to specific goals. 


Partial Client List


James C., CEO, SnapFi, San Jose, CA

“Tim’s attention to detail sets him apart and ensures that his recommendations are both strategic and practical. He goes above and beyond to understand the needs of his clients and tailors his method accordingly. He approaches every project with a high level of enthusiasm, consistently delivering results that exceed expectations. Tim's positive attitude and collaborative nature make him a true pleasure to work!”

Getting Started

Set up an initial :30 coaching call, at no cost.Tim meets individuals virtually or over the phone.For team workshops and facilitations,he frequently travels to be in-person, but also facilitates virtually.
Tim responds to inquiries by email within 24 hours, with a calendar of available times to meet via Zoom or on the phone.

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